Bowers & Wilkins 801 D4 Loudspeakers

Wait, what? There’s a new Bowers & Wilkins 800 series launching? That was the goss vibing around audio journos’ periphery for a couple of months prior to the official announcement. Then, a communiqué direct from the company: Tune-in to a global online press-only event. A date. A link. A whole lotta questions… and soon, a whole lotta answers. A road paved with anticipation and cobbled with excitement eventually leading to this 801 D4 review.

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Chord Electronics 2go Streamer/Server and 2yu DAC Interface

Across its entire product spectrum, Chord Electronics offers distinctively-styled components endowed with intelligent engineering solutions. For the embodiment of creative industrial design, check out the distinctive heavy metal Sci-Fi aesthetic of the company’s most ambitious ‘Ultima’ line. Right down to the entry-point portable audio players, like the super-successful and overachieving Mojo, the ideology carries through to beautifully made devices which are unmistakably… Chord. However, the daring ‘hey you, look at me!’ styling and colour-bubble functionality is always simpatico with innovative, inspired proprietary engineering. Now, Chord’s continuum expands with a product duo which is, literally, hand-in-hand ‘2go’ about bringing digital tunes ‘2yu’.

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Definitive Technology Demand D17 Loudspeakers

Hailing from the USA, Definitive Technology brings you its Demand Series of which the D17 is the top of the line floorstanding loudspeaker. Formed in 1991 Maryland USA, Definitive Technology has been researching speaker design for three decades and has numerous loudspeaker design patents to its name. Let’s examine the D17’s music making skills.

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Degritter Ultrasonic Record Cleaner

According to a number of recent, credible reports widely aired online, the ‘black circle’ has outsold the silver disc for the first time since the 1990s. Both in terms of unit numbers and monetary revenue. By quite a clear-cut margin too. Having said that, in the music industry universe, streaming is by far (and I stress far) the most popular means of enjoying music. Be that as it may, vinyl has emerged from a full samsara cycle and its reincarnation is here to stay. Plus, in addition to its wider current availability, there’s an infinite amount of it in past collections. Yes, a whole heap of vinyl out there. And it needs a regular bath.

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MUTEC MC-3+ USB Smart Reclocker & REF10 Reference Master Clock

While the largest percentage of digital music streamers/players offer a USB output (often as the sole option), many respected engineers strongly accredit either S/PDIF or AES/EBU connectivity as the superior interface between the music source and the downstream digital-to-analogue converter. As with anything audio, this is open to debate. Equally persuasive arguments assert a well-thought-out USB interface can be at least the equal to the alternative transmittance methods. Virtues are often slaves to implementation and both sides of the coin can shimmer with objective and subjective brilliance. So, many highly capable DACs omit a USB input altogether. Conversely, many streamer/players provide that as the only output option. In those applications, a USB to S/PDIF and AES/EBU converter is required. What if said converter is also complimented with a superbly-engineered in-built clocking topology? Further, would a state-of-the-art external Master Clock elevate music enjoyment to even higher levels? Enter the Alpha specimens of the species, the MUTEC MC-3+ USB ‘Reclocker’ and REF10 Reference Master Clock.

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Dynaudio Heritage Special Loudspeakers

When a product’s name features the word ‘Heritage’ it conjures an associated sense of… promise. And tradition. And ancestry. Expressing the word ‘Heritage’ carries a message of brand culture and company history. It celebrates the legacy of generations of evolution. With the release of its limited-run ‘Heritage Special’ loudspeakers, Dynaudio confidently advances enduring philosophies and applies long-refined technologies in a product which expresses a powerful mythology. The new speaker shouts its legacy credentials with an assured voice, accentuated by the reintroduction of a timeless enclosure aesthetic now further improved by modern craftsmanship. That’s the ‘Heritage’ box ticked. But is it also ‘Special’ or is that simply bravado?

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Heschl Audio Labs HAL 300 Power Amplifier

Heschl Audio Labs is a young, vibrant and innovative company based in Queensland, Australia. It’s fairly new to the high-end audio scene, at present, they have two products released. Their first was the HAL 350 which is an integrated amplifier that includes an R-2R DAC. This was released back in mid-2018. I had the pleasure of hearing it at an audio club meeting in November 2018 – it sounded very good. As a consequence of various audio shows, Heschl realised a sizeable demand for a power amplifier-only version at a more affordable price point. This product became the HAL 300 which was announced in March 2021 and released shortly afterwards. The HAL 300 is basically the power amp section of the HAL 350 morphed into a new chassis with only minor changes. It is the subject of this review.

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Audio Research Reference 80S Power Amplifier

It's a funny ol' thing, this hobby of ours. We embark on our journey with an idea; an idea self-propelled with enthusiasm in the hope it will maintain some kind of currency. Enough to endure hiccups and hurdles and reward us with long-term listening enjoyment and subsequently, for many of us, that 'pride of ownership'. It can be a rose-tinted viewpoint, and perhaps somewhat indulgent, but we've all had select components that, while they may not be physically with us now, remain as an intrinsic artefact and memory in our audio psyche or spirit. These cherished components are a beloved right-of-passage or an exercise in maturing. This reviewer is no exception to this natural law of audiophilia. Their memories are as vivid now as the moment of their first audition. Here, where more memories may be created for cherishing, I’m graced with the presence of Audio Research's newest offering, the delectable Reference 80S power amplifier.

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JBL 4349 Studio Monitor Loudspeakers

By way of an intro, do I need to say more other than to state this? JBL. Three letters that are synonymous with music playback since mid-last century (1946 to be exact). Both at consumer and Pro audio levels in the studio and the performance venue. While the company offers highly regarded entry-level loudspeakers, it’s the high-end ‘K’ and ‘Studio Monitor’ models which feature dollops of the real-good-stuff. Like JBL’s colossal development budgets. Like the exceptional transducer technologies created at Harman International’s advanced Northridge, California R&D facility. Yes, those resources are the envy of the industry. In the 4349 Studio Monitor, JBL yet again shows off its engineering chops with the latest horn-loaded compression tweeter and 300mm bass driver in a classic 2-way design with enormous promise. And lots to live up to. Let’s bring it into our very own auditioning studio…

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Linn Klimax DSM Digital Music Player

A few years ago, I reviewed Linn’s Selekt DSM and was well impressed. So, when I was offered the chance to have a crack at the flagship – the Klimax DSM I certainly didn’t shrug with nonchalance mumbling “Meh” but rather, I enthusiastically exclaimed “Hell Yeah!” Just ask our Editor Edgar Kramer…

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Cables for Music Resonant Cable Loom

Cables for Music. I like that. Like, wine for the palate or… lens transcribing for subjective vision. A tangible thing which acts as a conduit to interpretive personal pleasure. As far as our audio universe, unadulterated music is the ultimate target, right? In this examination of the ‘Resonant’ cable loom from innovative Hong Kong specialist Cables for Music, I embark on a multi-faceted installation process arriving at a unique cable architecture. Or cable system. One which its makers have painstakingly crafted to deliver the purest version of… well, the last word on the company’s very name. It’s a noble foundation.

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Harbeth SHL5plus XD Loudspeakers

Some people might say that the Harbeth Super HL5plus XD speakers look ordinary, perhaps because they don’t have curved sides, chromed bits or some other fashion or fad of the hi-fi world. Well, yes, they look as ordinary as the Parthenon. Some might even say that they are not exciting, perhaps because they use no ribbons, horns or other trendy technology. Well, yes, they sound as un-exciting as Pavarotti. That’s because dispensing with those distractions, Harbeth has been creating loudspeakers (such as the SHL5plus XD for review here) that are becoming synonyms for British design, British reliability and British quality.

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