SoundStage! Talks Australia Video: Discussing Audio Research's Best and Most-Iconic Amplifiers—From Founding Until Now

In this video, SoundStage! Australia’s editor, Edgar Kramer, talks to Audio Research’s brand director, Dave Gordon, about the company’s iconic products; founder William Z. Johnson’s aims of designing the best audio amplification, whether tubes, solid-state or hybrid technologies; and the new flagship Reference 330M monoblock amplifier.

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SoundStage! Talks Australia Video: Why Audiophiles Should Care About the YG Acoustics Carmel 3 Loudspeaker

In this video, YG Acoustics’ CEO, Matthew Webster, talks to SoundStage! Australia editor-in-chief Edgar Kramer about the Carmel 3 loudspeaker, the entry point to the company’s flagship range. Webster explains some of the in-house technology involved in the making of the drivers, cabinets, and ancillary parts while also discussing signal propagation through crossover networks, the importance of phase alignment, and much more.

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The SoundStage! Australia Products of the Year Awards 2024

I feel fortunate to live in Katoomba, more fondly referred to by locals as K-Town, a history-rich town an hour-and-a-bit from Sydney central. K-Town teethers on the edge of ragged, rocky escarpments which put on a daily show of breathtaking beauty and drama… each scene enriched by an ever-changing palette of natural magnificence. It’s where coarse, high sandstone cliffs are often veiled by rising, ghostly mists which are there… and then not. Where dense gum-bush lines the rocky edges of shimmering waterfalls. Where the unique wildlife can be cute, or savage, or… deafening. Cicadas. This spring, after a seven year hiatus, the hordes are back in ridiculous numbers. The orange-tinged ‘Eastern Double Drummer’ is as boisterous as Danny Carey on steroids. Yep, near-120dB! Shouty, aroused males, throating a piercing chorus underlying the soundtrack to the SoundStage! in-room Insta reels. Heck, I’ve even had post comments pointing to that communal, ringing mayhem. Yet, here I am, presenting to you the antithesis of all that racket. I’m talking the best audio of 2024. How’s that for a segue?

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Restoring a Memory: Tandy Electronics Mach One Loudspeakers

I’m at a friend’s place, one evening, and after dinner we sit down to watch a few eps of the latest Trek “Strange New Worlds” when Pat points at his beloved speakers. Sadly, he tells me his wife is “making me get rid of them”. Pat’s hearing isn’t the best these days, so it kinda makes sense. It was actually through Pat that I first became interested in hi-fi, and it was Pat who gave me my first job. I used to ride my bike down to the local shopping centre after school some days to buy the latest Top 40 compilation LP record. One day, on the way out, I discovered the Tandy Electronics store (Radio Shack in the USA). Pat was the owner, and he had set up what was to me an absolute killer system. On that day, he was demonstrating it to a customer…

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SoundStage! Talks Australia Video: Hi-Fi Brands & Products that Experts from Gryphon, Harman, Nordost, Linn Admire

The idea was this: Get reps from major hi-fi companies to gather in the same room, at the same time, for a podcast-style chat about their favouite products, competing brands and the industry's future. We made it happen!

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‘High-End Audio Innovators’ Event at Audio Connection, Sydney

On Friday evening, 18 October, industry luminaries from Denmark, Sweden and the UK gathered at Audio Connection, one of Sydney’s premier hi-fi retailers, courtesy of distributor and sister company Advance Audio. Each representative would host a presentation with an emphasis not just on providing insights into specific products, but to also instil a deeper understanding of their company’s vision.

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StereoNET Hi-Fi & AV Show 2024 – Standout Rooms

It’s now become a tradition. That breezy 90 minute flight from Sydney to Melbourne in October. Mind you, after driving nearly two hours to the airport from the Blue Mountains. Then, a soft-landing at Tullamarine Airport. Soon, I’ll be taxiing the runways of Australia’s largest audio show. That’s the StereoNET Hi-Fi & AV Show at its traditional home at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park. I arrived mid-afternoon on kick-off Friday. Checked-in. Then, by the show’s entrance, a bombardment of low frequency shell-shock pulses. Audio PTSD. But hey, with a full-metal-jacket SD card magazine locked and loaded, itchy shutter trigger-finger, scrawly notepad and battle-scarred backpack at the shoulder, the campaign to move forward through the show began. Onwards and upwards.

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SoundStage! Talks Australia Video: 50 Years of Wilson Audio's WATT/Puppy—from David to Daryl Wilson

In 2024, Wilson Audio reintroduces The WATT/Puppy in the ninth version of the classic design, in celebration of the company's 50th anniversary. Being synonymous with the Wilson Audio brand, it was the ideal model to make into a celebratory product. In this video, CEO Daryl Wilson discusses the history of Wilson Audio and the WATT/Puppy heritage, and he also gives insights into how this new speaker model was designed.

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The Adelphi Show Singapore 2024

The Adelphi Centre in Singapore should be familiar to many audiophiles and music lovers alike. The Centre presents a unique offering unlike anywhere else in the world, with around thirty audio stores all in the one location, offering everything from entry level components, head-fi and home theatre, all the way through to esoteric über high-end brands which are the aspiration of audio enthusiasts around the globe.

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Factory Tour – Marten and Jorma Audio

Sweden; Popularly famous for Volvo, ABBA, and Ikea. Fun fact: it’s home to the longest urban underground art gallery in the world. Did I mention Spotify, the biggest streaming platform? Yep, Swedish. Alfred Nobel? Ingmar Bergman? Saga Norén (IYKYK)? Yeah, all Swedes. Oh, let’s not forget those delicious meatballs in mushroom cream sauce. Talking loudspeaker design, Sweden has yet another notorious child via the specialist simply known as Marten. Marten has steadily escalated its endeavours, becoming a high ranking global player in the high-end space. Plus, the company recently acquired fellow Swede Jorma Audio, a cable manufacturer with its own successful track record. Marten and Jorma Audio already had a proven symbiotic relationship through product synergies; now, it’s a cemented partnership. We visited Marten HQ recently and were struck by the dynamic ‘Band of Brothers’ leadership and the dedication of the company’s workforce. The formula, evidently, is a winner… read on.

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SoundStage! Talks Australia Video: Marten's Martin Dunhoff on Crafting Ultra-High-End Speakers in Sweden

In this video, SoundStage! Australia editor-in-chief Edgar Kramer talks to Martin Dunhoff, the global sales manager for Marten, a Sweden-based maker of ultra-high-end loudspeakers. Edgar discusses Marten's approach to designing speakers, including using drivers comprised of differing material types, as well as how Martin Dunhoff feels about joining this unique brand, since starting at Marten only three months before this interview was conducted.

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SoundStage! Australia’s Favourite Exhibits at High End Munich 2024

Over the last few High End Munich shows, my modus operandi has been to visit as many of the exhibits as possible, there were 500 this year in total, in order to compile a list of standouts. It would be an exercise in abstract futility to even attempt to cover the entire 30,000 square meters single-handedly. No way no how. Not to mention SoundStage! founder Doug Schneider and I, preferring the personal touch, had to schlep a bunch of annual award trophies to hand out to company principals and designers including Vivid Audio, Mission, Lyngdorf, Monitor Audio, T+A, Technics, Pro-Ject, Stenheim, Wilson Audio, Totaldac, VYDA Labs, etc. So, with that out of the way, I went on to seek out the best in-room experiences. Oh, and check out our combined social media platforms – SoundStage! Network and SoundStage! Australia IG and FB – which also provide further insights into the in-room hustle and bustle. So, which rooms reigned supreme?

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