Axis Voicebox S Monitor and EBS Extended Bass System

Many audio enthusiasts and music lovers will agree: There are obvious merits to a high quality small speaker and, indeed, many purists eschew physically large designs with their potentially difficult to tackle room-coupling issues, in favour of a small monitor’s ease of placement, accurate soundfield recreation and other convincing attributes. These qualities may be related to the actual form — fundamentally, a small speaker’s cabinet will be inert even with relatively modest bracing — or performance related due to narrow baffles providing inherent diffraction characteristics resulting in very precise image focus. Having said all that, full range sound reproduction (wide frequency response with bass below 40Hz), when competently designed, is undeniably closer to the real thing therefore providing an overall more satisfying experience.

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Magico S3 Mk.II Loudspeakers

It’s often thought that loudspeakers are the easiest component to evaluate. Why? Well, I find that all other variables (electronics, cables and ancillary equipment) kept constant, a swap-out for a different set of speakers almost invariably makes a profound and manifestly apparent change in the performance of the system. As the final step in the reproduction chain and the acoustic transducer (responsible for the conversion of electrical to sound energy), the speakers act as a bottleneck to what the system, however good it otherwise may be, can achieve.

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Redgum Audio Magnificata Preamplifier and Mono Amplifiers

Australia’s wide land may be rich in ‘golden soil’, parched across its deserts and ‘girt by sea’ around beautifully picturesque beaches but it’s also opulent with unique flora in dense forests sprinkled throughout the continent. The tree species are countless and varied and, for example, if you make your way to Far North Queensland, up in Cairns, you will find the planet’s oldest rainforest, the Daintree Forest. It’s a precious and astonishingly beautiful World Heritage treasure teeming with living and breathing wildlife.

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