New Artnovion Offers a Myriad Options

Acoustic treatment specialist Artnovion has announced a new range of adhesive ‘stick-on’ acoustic treatment panels to suit any modern listening environment.

The newly-introduced Myriad panels are offered in 30mm- and 50mm-deep options with both options being available in a variety of colours to match any décor. Artnovion has developed a special adhesive surface on the rear of the panels allowing extremely easy installation. Simply pull off the adhesive backing sheet and position along the surface to be treated. With the Myriad panels, Artnovion provides a guide, or template, which allows perfect alignment in relation to each panel for accurate and consistent spacing.

ArtnovionNew Myriad acoustic panels

Myriad panels are available in a variety of colours and the panels can be mixed in order to create differing colour themes. Artnovion claims excellent sound absorption qualities and has aimed the Myriad products for installation into high-end stereo and home cinema consumer audio environments, with their versatility also being suitable for recording studios, bars, restaurants and other commercial settings.

Myriad acoustic panels are available in pack of 12 in the 50mm-deep size and packs of 24 in the 30mm size, with Australian pricing being AU$299 and AU$459 respectively. The Artnovion Myriad acoustic panels and other Artnovion acoustic treatment products are available via importer Interdyn’s country-wide specialist dealer network.

Artnovion Myriad Acoustic Panels
Price: AU$299 for 50mm 12 pack, AU$459 for 30mm 24 pack

Australian Distributor: Interdyn
+61 3 9426 3600