Musical Fidelity Releases M6xTT Turntable

Written by News Editor News Editor
Category: News News
Published: 23 October 2024 23 October 2024

Musical Fidelity’s new M6xTT turntable capitalises on technologies and engineering trickled down to it via the M8xTT flagship vinyl spinner.

The handcrafted in Europe M6xTT downscales its bigger sibling while employing many of its design aspects, the most obvious upon first sighting are the non-resonant double acrylic decoupled plinths and chrome/aluminium construction. The turntable chassis is supported by four height-adjustable ‘TPE’ magnetic damped footers which also extend to form part of the Teflon spacers between each plinth.

The M6xTT features a near-7 kg, 39 mm aluminium belt-driven platter is mated to a foam-decoupled motor with electronic 33/45 RPM speed controller and DC-driven AC generator. Notably, the belt is a one-piece construction eschewing glued joins resulting in a more robust design. The platter is coupled to an inverted bearing featuring a ceramic ball tip. Musical Fidelity includes a leather platter mat and a “massive” aluminium record puck.

Musical Fidelity

The M6xTT is packaged with a 9 inch Musical Fidelity tonearm (add your own cartridge) which is slightly shorter due to a streamlined headshell with direct 5 pin DIN output. The tonearm’s azimuth and VTA are fully adjustable. The ultra-low resonance design incorporates an acrylic bearing ring and a conical aluminium tonearm tube. The turntable’s audio outputs are via a “semi-balanced” set of RCA sockets and Musical Fidelity includes a quality interconnect cable finished with gold plated RCA connectors (incorporates a ground cable with spade connector). An optional extra is a bespoke acrylic dust cover.

Musical Fidelity quotes the Wow & Flutter at 33 RPM as +/- 0.08% while the 45 RPM specification is +’- 0.07%. Speed drift is +/- 0.11% at both speeds while Signal to Noise is stated as -75dB.

Audio Marketing’s Tim Wallis told SoundStage! Australia, “We are pleased to announce the second addition to Musical Fidelity’s high-end turntable line up. The baby brother to the M8xTT, the M6xTT, will launch in Europe in December. We are expecting Australian stock to arrive sometime in February.”

Musical Fidelity

The new Musical Fidelity M6xTT turntable and tonearm package is available in Australia via distributor Audio Marketing’s country-wide dealer network. As Wallis mentioned above, the M6xTT is expected to arrive in February 2025.

Musical Fidelity M6xTT Turntable and Tonearm
Price: AU$9000

Australian Distributor: Audio Marketing
+61 2 9882 3877